Dear sundial friends,

This is to let you know that the Sundial Society of Flanders (Belgium) has
discontinued the publication of "Zonnetijdingen", as it appeared
increasingly difficult to gather enough articles.

The Belgian Society contacted the Netherlands' Sundial Society (De
Zonnewijzerkring), which has been publishing its "Bulletin" for 40 years
The two societies decided to join editorial forces in a new journal, *ZON &
TIJD* (Sun & Time).

The fact that Dutch is the common language of both societies made this an
easy choice.

Our Austrian friends may note some similarity with the title of their
journal, “Sonne + Zeit”. We hope they take this as a compliment J

You may have a look at the first issue, which has articles by Dutch and
Flemish authors. The issue is temporarily available from the English
section of the new website of De Zonnewijzerkring, at:

<>. *The journal is
in Dutch, of course, but features an English summary of the contents in the
back on p. 37-38.

Best regards,
Frans Maes (NL) & Eric Daled (BE), editors

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