
In general, there are some people who are able to make a little money
making sundials but most would not claim to make a 'living' or anything
like that.

Have you checked out Helios Sonnenuhren  by Carlo Heller? (German)
This is his U.S. rep and it is in English so you don't have to translate the
original website from German.

I would say that Carlo has really created a beautiful assortment of 
sundials and I have purchased several of the least expensive ones.
They are superbly made and engineered.

Good luck on your endeavor,

Fritz Stumpges

-----Original Message-----
From: sundial <> On Behalf Of William Irvine
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 7:15 AM
Subject: Is this sundial business 'genuine', or not?

Now that I am retired, I have been thinking about turning my 'hobby'
of sundials into an income source - as there are obviously several
successful businesses who are already doing it, around the world.

I had typed 'making money from sundials' into the "Google" search engine,
and one of the first on the list was "Modern Sunclocks" (in
Scotland) - but I am not sure if this is a GENUINE business, since if you
look at some of the pages on their website it seems to imply they make the
majority of profits by persuading people NOT to buy!

Before I try contacting "Sunclocks" directly, do any members of this Mailing
List have comments (good or bad) about that business - and how they could
possibly make money by pushing potential customers away, by telling them all
the bad things about Human Sundials?

For my own curiosity, I have also tried E-mailing to some of their
Distributors (as mentioned on the "Sunclocks" website) - though as yet I
have not received a reply, which again makes me 'suspicious'.

Also, "Sunclocks" themselves seem to have quite LOW pricing and yet their
Distributors are charging much higher costs (for example, two to three
hundred dollars) - compared with only 20 Pounds, in the UK.

I can understand if you prefer to contact me privately, rather than send
your responses to this Mailing List - plus I would be grateful for any ideas
of creating a 'paying hobby', based around sundials.

Bill Irvine.




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