Hi Steve:
My iPhone compass app is indicating N correctly to within 1° right now with the 
phone sitting on the dining room table in a wood-frame house. Calibration not 
performed recently. Fortuitous? There must be some specs somewhere on the Web.
-- Richard  

| Richard B. Langley                            E-mail: l...@unb.ca         |
| Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web: http://gge.unb.ca      |
| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142   |
| University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943   |
| Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3                                        |
|        Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: http://www.fredericton.ca/       |

From: sundial <sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de> on behalf of Steve Lelievre 
Sent: September 11, 2018 4:38 PM
To: Sundial List
Subject: How good is a cell phone compass

Hi everyone,

How good is a cell phone compass? I mean, if I have no metal nearby and
I have the phone set to show True North, what kind of accuracy can I
expect if I lay my phone flat and use the compass app?

I'm working on a vertical west sundial for a community garden (a.k.a
allotment) and have a deadline of end of September to get it installed,
because the aim is to unveil it at the group's annual meeting.

The dial is to be installed on two posts. I want to get the posts lined
up as close to north-south as I can, to make aligning the dial easier. I
will use adjustable bolts to fix the dial to the posts, so can I
compensate for the line between them being a couple of degrees off - but
no more than that.

I already have one post installed and concreted in place. I had hoped to
use the sun's meridian shadow cast by it to give me a precise line N-S
for placing the second post. Unfortunately, rain has set in here and it
looks as if there will not be a sunny day for at least a week. I don't
think I can wait that long to get the second post installed; otherwise
I'll be short of time for the other remaining tasks. Hence my interest
in using my phone compass for alignment.





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