
What was the solar declination when the dial's time-reading and the
clock-time had the values that you described?

Of, alternatively, what was the date?

Michael Ossipoff

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 1:25 PM Steve Lelievre <> wrote:

> Michael,
> Thanks for your replies.
> On 2018-09-27 8:50 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote:
> > I'll fill in those topics*, describing the derivation in more detail,
> > in postings here, if you'd like [ ... snipped ...]
> >
> > *for the problem of finding how azimuth-misaligned the dial must be,
> > to have a given wrong time-reading, at a given local true solar time
> > and solar declination.
> I'll take a rain check on that, if I may. I have received explanations
> (off list) from Brian Albinson and Hank De Wit  which I want to finish
> studying before asking for more help.
> > By the way, I should add that of course all that's necessary is that
> > the dial be azimuth-rotated so that it tells the time that it should
> > tell, and so it isn't necessary to solve the problem that we're
> > talking about in order to azimuth-align the dial.
> Yes, of course - but I'm not going to be correcting the dial myself. I
> will tell the parks department what I think is wrong and I want to
> provide nice simple guidance to help them decide if they want to do
> anything about it. Saying something like "Twist the dial about the
> vertical, so that rod in the middle is on a north-south line with the
> upper end pointing towards the north pole. The line has to be true
> north-south not magnetic north-south. You'll need to move it by 7.5
> degrees" is more likely to get action than a procedure that requires
> them to obtain and work with local solar time (extra hard for a dial
> that only shows hours and half hours, and for a job that likely wouldn't
> be carried out at a specific date and time).
> Steve

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