That sounds like just a conversion between two ways of naming the
equal-hours.   ...converting between the.modern 12-hour naming, and a
numbering that calls the hour from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. the 1st hour. It
doesn't take into account the different lengths of the hours, which depend
on the varying length of the day, because the sunrise-sunset day is divided
into 12 equal parts (as is the sunset-sunrise night).

I don't agree with the term "temporal hours".  The first book that I found
that mentioned seasonal-hours called them "*temporary hours*".  That name
makes sense, because the length of an hour is temporary instead of
constant, because it varies with the season.

"Temporal hours" doesn't make sense, because all hours are temporal.
"Temporal" just means "of, about or pertaining to time".

Maybe a good term would be "seasonal-hours", because their length varies

One way to get temporary-hours is from Babylonian and co-Italian hours.
Divide the Babylonian hour from the sum of the Babylonian hour and the
co-Italian hour.

Michael Ossipoff
19 Th

(Thursday of the 19th week of the calendar-year that started with the
Monday that started closest to the South-Solstice.

...or closest to the approximation to the South-Solstice, based on the
assumption that a South-Solstice occurs exactly every 365.2422 days,
starting from the actual South-Solstice of 2017).

(The South-Sostice of 2017 occurred at December 21.686    ...where the time
of day is expressed as a fraction of the day from midnight of that day.)


On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 5:05 PM Dan-George Uza <>

> Hello,
> In a note quoted below from the "Dictionary of Greek and Roman
> Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875" I found the following advice to
> convert temporal hours to modern hours.
> *"A very quick and easy rule of thumb, when we read "the third hour, the
> sixth hour", etc., is to add 3, 6, etc. to 5:00 A.M.: The first hour, for
> example, runs from roughly 6 to roughly 7 A.M.; and the ninth hour from
> roughly 2 to roughly 3 P.M."*
> Source:
> Of course back then there was no summer time either...
> But is there a closer aproximation for this, perhaps using a simple
> mathematical formula? Are there apps that can convert temporal hours
> directly to modern equivalents, perhaps as a spreadsheet?
> Dan Uza
> ---------------------------------------------------

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