Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials
Paper flat-dials with one or two right-angle folds are easily-built and
easily-carried. Some wouldn't be very difficult to use.
First let me comment on one or two other portable dials:
The Regiomontanus card altitude-dial is surely the most easily-built
portable dial, and none is easier to use, other than the difficultly-built
Yes, of course the disadvantage of altitude portable dials is their lower
accuracy around mid-day. I suggest that there's usually no reason why that
would be a problem.
The Romans must have just had a shared-understanding to not expect
puncuality at mid-day appointments. No problem.
And, if you're in the wilderness, then why would you need precise mid-day
times? The important times for that application would be when sunset is
near. Of course altitude-dials' accuracy problem is only around mid-day.
And altitude dials have the great advantage and convenience of telling you
when sunrise and sunset will be.   ...especially useful in wilderness
But suppose that you want a portable dial for modern urban use, when
appointments and bus-departures often occur around mid-day?
The Ring-Equinoctial is accurate around mid-day, and is easy to use, but is
difficult to build.
There are various folded-paper flat-dials that are (at least in principle)
accurate around mid-day, and easy to build. They use a single rectangular
piece of paper, with a right-angle fold at its middle.
In a book, I ran across such aproposal, with a pre-constructed dial to
Xerox and cut out. It was a right-angle-folded paper Disk-Equatorial.
(Though the surfaces were square, of course the degree-arcs were circuar.)
I copied it and made the dial. It was easy to build, but a bit awkward to
use. It required a separate little tab, attached to the dial via a slot, to
cast a shadow on a declination-scale, for horizontal-orientation of the
Vertical orientation(about the EW axis) was intended to be by aligning the
horizon, at sea, with your latitude on a circular latitude-arc. I instead
used a plumb-line on that arc. But I also tried substituting, for the
horizon, a point that is at the same height above the ground as the dial.
When that dial is awkward is in winter (negative solar-declination),
because of course it's necessary to read the bottom surface of the
It made me feel quite conspicuous holding it up in that manner. Something
that can be held lower, as if you were using a smartphone or a book, would
be much more comfortable and convenient for me.
Here are a few such possible designs for a portable right-angle-folded
paper flat-dial:
1. Rectangularly-Twice-Folded Horizontal & Vertical-Polars Dial:
The paper is a 3:1 rectangle, with the ends folded up at a right-angle,
box-like, forming 3 squares. That position is held by a piece of thread
connecting the middles of the top-edges of the vertical sections.
At the middle of the string is a nodus, consisting, for example, of a small
bead, or a short piece of thread tied there.
So a Horizontal-Dial is drawn on the middle horizontal square, and
Vertical-Polar Dials are drawn on the two vertical squares.
It tells time sand declination whenever the Sun is above the horizon.
Horizontal orientation is by the declination-lines. On the back of one of
the squares could be a table of EqT. On the back of another of the squares
could be a table of declination.
So of course one would horizontally orient the dial so that it reads the
correct declination for the date of use.
Leveling? Of coures there have been Tablet-Dials with spirit-level or
plumb-line. But the portable tablet-dials that I made didn't have a
spirit-level or a plumb-line, and they were all accurate within 5 minutes
(one of them 3 minues).
This Twice-Rectangularly-Folded Horizontal and Vertical-Polar Dial would,
with its flat square likely be as easy to level as the Horizontal
Tablet-Dials that I made.
But it could also have a plumb-line hanging from the connecting-thread; or
have two plumb-lines attached to the vertical squares (anywhere would do).
2. V-Twin Reclining-Declining-Dial:
This would have simpler folding--just one fold--but would require drawing
hour & declination lines for Reclining-Declining Dials, which is what would
be on the upper-surfaces of the squares.
A 2:1 rectangular paper is folded at its middle, into a right-angle V, with
two square sections. The fold is held by a connecting thread between the
middles of the top-edges of the two squares. A nodus (bead or tied short
thread)is at the middle of that connecting thread.
Reclining-Declining Dials are drawn on the upper surfaces of both squares.
On the back of one square is the table of EqT. On the back of the other
square is the table of declination.
Horizontal orientation is by alighning the dial so that the
declination-reading is correct.

Keeping the crease level likely wouldn't be difficult, but the orientation
about the crease would be more difficult, and would probably require a
plumb-line hanging from the middle (nodus) point of the connecting-thread.
Such a plumb-line could achieve correct orientation about both axes (the
crease and an EW axis).
Of course, alternatively, either of these dials could use the intersection
of the connecting thread with the top-edge of the sunward square as the
On either of these dials, the declination-lines could be labled for
declination, or for ecliptic-longitude (maybe by zodiac-sign, maybe by
degree, maybe by numbered ecliptic-months in numbered quarters).  Of course
then ecliptic-longitude, instead of declination, would be listed in a table
on the back of one of the squares.
An advantage of eclicptic-longitude is that it can be fairly-accurately
estimated from the date.  (...not that that would be necessary if
ecliptic-longitude by date is tabulated on the back of one of the squares.)
48 Su
November 24th
2142 UTC
Michael Ossipoff

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