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Didn't we have the same problem with the year, some centuries ago?

Is it what it is. The earth is slower than our atomic clock, and so at some
point, you will have to adjust - if you want noon to fall anywhere near
noon, that is.


Now people will complain about a leap second every few years (too often!),
likewise, they will complain about a leap minute very century (too big!).

If something is a fact of nature, people will complain about it and demand
it go away. It won't, so they complain more, and louder. It won't help, but
that only makes them be more right - everyone happy.


For my part, I don't care if they wait until it's a full year they must
adjust. I will just be amused by the hullaballoo that will cause when the
time comes - if I live to see it; it's a fairly big adjustment.



52-30N 4-40E

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