Aaron Wilson schrieb:
Yeah I'm slowly starting to figure that out  :)

Title of the wiki led me to download the Server version...

"SRSS 4.1 10/08 on Ubuntu 8.10 Server (i386 and amd64)"

probably should be

"SRSS 4.1 10/08 on Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop (i386 and amd64)"

No that's not correct. At the time I wrote that HOWTO on the wiki we used the "server" variant of Ubuntu 8.10. However, of course this wiki assumes you have GNOME already installed or are going to install gnome afterwards.

Here, we have upgraded our servers to 9.04 now and are not having any problems with SRSS 4.1 installed. Everything is still working flawlessly after the upgrade.

Jens Langner                                         Ph: +49-351-2602757
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
Institute of Radiopharmacy - PET Center                 j.lang...@fzd.de
Germany                                               http://www.fzd.de/
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