On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Murray Fraser <msfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After deploying SRSS 4.1 on Ubuntu 8.04 and using Pulseaudio, I have
> noticed that Sun Rays connecting over WAN links use a lot of
> bandwidth, saturating our link. As soon as I kill the pulseaudio
> daemon, the bandwidth usage drops to what I would expect.
> Has anyone else noticed the extra bandwidth used by pulseaudio?
> I've tried setting 'record=0' in .pulse/default.pa which seems to
> reduce the bandwidth usage but its still too high for our WAN link.

I'll correct myself, setting 'record=0' in the default.pa does seem to
have fixed my problem with bandwidth usage. Obviously this disables
the ability to record audio.

- Murray
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