
I went ahead and set back up the syslog stuff the sunray way.
Had to clobber our syslog stuff in the process.

My guess is that tonight when our cfengine stuff takes off it will put it back 
the old way.  I'm assuming once I get this debugged it won't matter where my 
syslog stuff goes.

I'm returning host="hostname" with my script when you pass it insert_token
>Both username and host are optional, but it's not very interesting if 
>you don't return at least one of them :)

Yeh, we know about this.  Have not had a real big need to update firmware on 
these things.
>By the way, if you use "sunray-servers" to get the DTUs to connect you 
>are effectively not managing firmware on these units. Unless you're 
>doing it manually via utfwload or utload they will never upgrade.

>It's better to use "sunray-config-servers" and be sure to run "utfwadm 
>-a -A -V -f /opt/SUNWut/lib/firmware" (or firmware_gui) on the servers 
>to create the .parms files which will manage firmware.

Switching is still busted.  When I put in my two test cards  (both pointing at 
hosts in different FOGs I still stay on whatever host the sunray happens to 
connect to when it gets back it's dhcp answer.  

the only thing I see in messages is that amgh is yes but that it has nothing in 
the reply.  The DETAILS section shows Details=AMGH lookup library did not 
provide any target AMGH hosts, AMGH_Target=*NONE*
Also the token says user.1265220350-7053 (what is this......?)

Feb  8 15:21:55 utauthd: [ID 118791] 
Worker2 NOTICE: MTU = 1500
Feb  8 15:21:56 utdtsession: [ID 702911] 
Add (5,user.1265220350-7053,normal)
Feb  8 15:21:58 utauthd: [ID 988467] 
Worker2 NOTICE: SESSION_OK user.1265220350-7053
Feb  8 15:22:00 dtlogin[2736]: [ID 118685] 
pam_sunray_amgh::[DPY=5] AMGH_SUMMARY: token=user.1265220350-7053, username=,
 AMGH_Done?=NO(Local Session), Details=AMGH lookup library did not provide any 
target AMGH hosts, AMGH_Target=*NONE*
 Feb  8 15:22:02 utauthd: [ID 140345] 
Worker4 NOTICE: DISCONNECT IEEE802.0003ba3c12dd, user.1265220350-7053 token 

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