Just dont use the -l option?

or remove the dutch keyboard from windows.


------- Original message -------
From: Ivar Janmaat <ijanm...@xs4all.nl>
To: sunray-users@filibeto.org
Sent: 18.3.'10,  16:53


I have the feeling I am missing something which should be trivial.
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

I have a Sun PC keyboard (US international) connected to my Sun Ray.
I run Win XP in virtualbox or Win 2003 on bare metal.
I connect to XP or WTS 2003 from a Sun Ray server with Dutch language settings (LANG=nl_NL.(can also be set with: $ uttsc -l nl-NL server) When I connect to Windows I get the Dutch language settings as expected but I also get the Dutch keyboard layout which is not working properly with the Sun keyboard.
I can change the keyboard to US-international and it works fine.
But when I logout and login again my keyboard is Dutch again.
So the change to US-International is not persistent.

Somehow uttsc tells Windows to use a Dutch keyboard which is not correct.
Can I overrule this setting in the Sun Ray environment or can I force Windows to use US-international keyboard as a workaround?

Kind regards,

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