Dear Marty, said:
> I am going to reply to myself so that maybe I can save someone else
> the headache of chasing down this performance issue.

I for one and VERY interested in this. said:
> I already had "hires_tick=1" but today enabled flow-control on the
> switch to the server.  No change.

I saw similar. said:
> On a hunch, I disabled all encryption and authentication on the theory
> that these would add overhead to the DTUs and cause them to be
> overwhelmed.

> Remember, I am running the original CoronaP2 DTUs which were made a
> long, long time ago.

> I might put authentication back, but in a home setting, it doesn't
> really matter.

Could you spell out exactly what commands you issued where.  I'd
really like to try this.   

We have been running last summer's badged "OpenSolaris" release
plus SunRay with a trail of issues.  Sometimes we got 10 days
with no major problems (although always having the sort
of screen update/performance things you have seen) and then chaos...
We would start having SunRays dropping like flies as folks
logged off.  They get stuck on 26D. We have tried (I believe) all
the things folks have reported related to this issue.  I have various
scripts that go around deleting things related to a given stuck SunRay
and I can resurrect things for a while, but then they stick again..
All seems to us like some sort of race condition between X server stuff
and SunRay server code....  We saw things having a "higher probability"
of starting to go wrong with higher numbers of users, but nothing
absolute.   We are running a FOG with two servers, both
multicore T5140 (one eight cores, one 12) and in total a few
over 40 SunRays (mostly SunRay 2, a few old SunRay 100 and a
couple of odd things).

Anyway, can you spell out exactoy what commands you issued where
to "I disabled all encryption and authentication".


Dave Price

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