
On 11-01-12 8:47 AM, Seth Galitzer wrote:
I have tried doing this, but it looks like my parms file gets overwritten. Is there a backup or alternative location that tftpboot uses to cache these?

The parms file gets overwritten when you run utfwadm.

Usually the best method to maintain a set of site-specific parsm settings is to keep a file with these settings and to include it using the utfwadm -i option whenever you update firmware versions.

The include file you used doesn't stick, so you have to specify this option every time you use utfwadm. But, as you have discovered, additional settings you add directly to the /tftpboot files can get lost even more easily.

Karl Rossing schrieb:
> the parms file got overwritten when I ran utfwsyc.

The default operational mode of utfwsync dates back to a time when there were far less options for firmware configuration than there are today.

When used, it runs utfwadm with standard options on all hosts in the group. As a result, your systems will be configured to offer non-GUI firmware with no extra parms settings via DHCP.

If your firmware server configuration differs from that, you should run utfwadm explicitly on each firmware server host and only ever use 'utfwsync -d'.

- Jörg

Jörg Barfurth                        http://blogs.sun.com/joergb

Disclaimer: I am employed by Oracle. The statements and opinions
expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those
of Oracle Corporation.
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