On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Craig Bender <craig.ben...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 1/24/11 7:19 AM, Art Peck wrote:
>> I'm seeing many occurances of:
>> Jan 24 03:03:15 [] 0x0.0x6ec757c 0:21:28:3b:9:6c
>> Application: badlist_check 0
>> in my messages file.
> Have you asked the customer if they have any type of site checking scripts
> to keep users away from certain websites.  Looks like a black listed site
> utility to me.  Nothing I'm aware of on the SRSS side.

That report is coming from the DTU firmware.  It's not a common
message, which is probably why you didn't recognise it. The
firmware maintains a list of Sun Ray servers that have refused
to accept  this DTU in the recent past, and it will skip those servers
if it needs to try to find a new server.  The idea is to prevent the
DTU from wasting time trying to talk to a server that isn't going
to accept the DTU anyway.

The message is coming from the logic that manages that list
but I'd have to look at the source to find out  what this exact
message means. If the reporting level on the DTU has been
turned up then this might just be a progress message rather than
something that needs action from the admin.

Is the address of a Sun Ray server?  If not then I'd
be wondering about why the DTU decided to try to contact that
address. If that is a server and it would be expected to accept
this DTU then I'd probably take a quick look to see that its
configuration is sane, and maybe skim its Sun Ray log files
for signs of trouble.

Disclaimer: I am employed by Oracle. The statements and opinions
expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those
of Oracle Corporation.
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