We are having the same problem on SPARC Solaris running SRS 5.x (currently 5.1.1), but only when connecting via a hardware VPN WAN link. We do not see the same issue when connecting via the local LAN.

The only work around we've come up with is to use alternative means of moving the scroll bar, either via keyboard, grab and drag, or (most often) use of the Type 8 mouse mouse scroll wheel.

Sean Walmsley

On 02/01/11 08:00, Matthew Aycock wrote:
We are having trouble with the scrollbars on Linux. Clicking anywhere
below or above the current point is supposed to scroll one windows
worth. Sometimes it does that, other times it scroll several windows
worth and even all the way to the end.

The multiple scroll behavior is what you would expect if the mouse
button was held down. But we see this on quick clicks.

Running xev to look at timestamps we see that the time interval
between buttonpress and buttonrelease events varies between
100-200ms. This is maybe a little higher than I see on a standalone
workstation but not much.

This shows up on the lan as well as the wan, and the time intervals
are about the same.

Any ideas on how to attack this problem?


Matthew ---------- Matthew C. Aycock Operating Systems
Analyst/Developer, Lead Dept Math/CS Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Internet:  m...@mathcs.emory.edu
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