On 13-04-29 07:59 PM, Murray Fraser wrote:

We've recently installed SRS 5.4 on Oracle Linux 6.3 on our Sun Ray environment consisting of 5 servers in a failover group.

We are experiencing an issue where a server will start creating sessions and working well, but after some time the new sessions stop working, even if they are killed with 'utsession -k'. After this time no new sessions will work on this server, we just get '26D' on the Sun Ray client. The server has to be put offline 'utadm -f' until it can be rebooted to clear the problem. It looks to me like GDM is failing to start correctly after some number of sessions has been reached.
Maybe a long shot but does Oracle Linux include a package called tmpwatch? Our Sun Ray servers run Scientific Linux which is a repackaging of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and we have to make sure that tmpwatch is disabled. If it isn't disabled, it eventually starts deleting files out of /tmp/SUNWut.

John Stewart -- Mathematics & Statistics, Carleton University
Internet: jstew...@math.carleton.ca                       613-520-2600x3707
"Take time to stop and pick the blueberries."

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