Hi, did you check the network speed?
Can you take a iostat and a vmstat ?

Try to restart the server.



Alejandro Soler
Administrador de Sistemas
Martina di Trento S.A.
Tel.: (011) 4000-7243
Av.Pedro de Mendoza 2555
(C1169AAJ) Buenos Aires - Argentina
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SunRay Community:

We have been running a collection of about 20-25 SunRays on a Sun/Oracle X4100M2 server (running Solaris 10) for a number of years. We have made no recent changes to either the SunRay or configuration of the system ... other than normal OS patches.

Over the past week or so, when we get to normal levels of activity during the middle of the day, if often takes 2 to 5 minutes for a new SunRay session to start. During that time, the screen is blank except for the mouse cursor.

Most of these SunRays are on a dedicated private network. The fact that an existing SunRay session will reconnect quickly ... even during the times when a new session takes forever to start ... leads me to conclude that we don't have a network bandwidth problem.

Note: our home directories are NFS mounted from another machine. There is no evidence, however, of slow NFS mount service on either our SunRay server or on the machine from which they are mounted. Also, logging in directly from the console (which also NFS mounts the home directory) happens quickly.

Can anyone suggest some things to look for? I've not been able to read /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages well enough to determine if that is indicating where things are hanging up. Is there a way to increase logging to the point that I can learn where in the "create a new session" process, the bulk of these 2-5 minute start times are taking place.

Thanks for your consideration,


SunRay-Users mailing list

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