Hi Robert

Have you tried the -fullsceen  command line argument to Opera?

What OS are you using?

On Ubuntu Linux I have previously used a tool 'wmctrl' in a script to make
a fullscreen window (you need to adjust the 'Navigator.Zimbra Desktop'
window title to match the application you are running):

# Start a window manager
/usr/bin/metacity &

# Start the application
/usr/local/bin/zimbra-desktop &

# Start loop to make fullscreen
while [ $RETVAL -gt 0 ]
        # Try to fullscreen the prism app
        wmctrl -x -r "Navigator.Zimbra Desktop" -b toggle,fullscreen
        # Sleep to try again if the fullscreen failed
        sleep 1
wait $PID

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 2:21 AM, Pelletier, Robert <rpellet...@emcc.edu>wrote:

>  When I boot into a Sun Ray Kiosk session I have an opera browser loading
> up in Kiosk mode. I am using the Kiosk-Generic-Session-0.3.zip template
> with /usr/bin/opera –kioskmode in the argument. However, when it open in
> the Kiosk session it only takes up a portion of the screen. What can I do
> to fix this problem. Thank you.
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