I've just started using sup and I'm really loving it.
Thanks for the great software.

I have a problem with extra-contact-addresses hook and lbdb.
Using the hook in the wiki:
contacts = []
`lbdbq |awk -F"\t" '{print $2 , "<"$1">"}'`.each { |c| contacts.push(c) }
return contacts

I get error running hook and here's the message that appears in the log:
[Sun Sep 20 23:50:17 +0300 2009] hook: error running hook: unexpected return
[Sun Sep 20 23:50:17 +0300 2009] hook:
/home/alip/.sup/hooks/extra-contact-addresses.rb:7:in `__run'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/hook.rb:42:in `__run'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/hook.rb:82:in `run'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/util.rb:520:in `send'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/util.rb:520:in `method_missing'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/buffer.rb:540:in `ask_for_contacts'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/util.rb:520:in `send'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/util.rb:520:in `method_missing'
/home/alip/src/sup/lib/sup/modes/compose-mode.rb:24:in `spawn_nicely'

This is with current master 68bf6a277c5fdefb3b9d6a4b5d4dfbce3f9f9ccf

Ali Polatel
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