Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Mi Sep 30 20:17:55 +0200 2009:
> Cool idea. I'd like to see how this looks.
> > I tried to implement the feature by my self, but the mapping beetween
> > `curpos' and `...@threads' in modes/thread-index-mode.rb made this a
> > little bit hard, and i didn't know how to solve this problem without
> > breaking sup. Perhaps you can give me a hint, how this problem with
> > the direct mapping can be solved.
> If you look at #regen_text, @text and @lines are the two variables that
> control the display. @text is an array of the GUI elements for each line
> of the display. Right now it's just set to one line for each thread. You
> want to add one additional element at the appropriate position. for each
> date line. GUI elements are represented as arrays of [color, text]
> pairs; you can look at #text_for_thread_at for an example.
> Then, you want to make sure that @lines is set correctly. @lines is a
> map (hash) from line number to thread (so that when the user presses a
> key, we know which thread the cursor is resting on).

Thank you, that helped a much. I implemented the feature, it is
available at git://github.com/stettberger/sup-mail.git
branch time_marks, it is one commit ahead of next. It is enabled
with setting the config option ":time_markers_in_index_mode: true"
At runtime it can be toggled via '%' (just randomly choosen by me)

greetz didi
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