Excerpts from William Morgan's message of Sun Oct 11 22:25:33 +0200 2009:
> Reformatted excerpts from Sven Schober's message of 2009-10-10:
> > As that thread is rather old, i would like to now if there's been some
> > development on this? Are there any console alternatives to
> > pinentry-curses?
> I think I've fixed this in git next. Please try that.

Works like a charm :) Thanks!
Sven Schober, sven.scho...@uni-ulm.de                    |UNI ULM
http://www-vs.informatik.uni-ulm.de/dept/staff/schober/  |DISTRIBUTED
Room O27-346, Phone: +49-731-5024146 [+49-179-5060182]   |SYSTEMS LAB

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