Hello. Remember me? ;)

Anyway, I've rolled the 0.9 package for Arch Linux in the
AUR (community repos). It works, but:
 - Ruby 1.9.1 has pretty screwed up dependencies for Sup. Ncurses and ferret in
   particular were broken (at least in Arch.)
 - The package is a big ol' pile of hacks.
 - Ferret index is disabled (sorry for removing it early, but Ruby 1.9.1 is the
   reality for us in Arch.)
 - I've applyed Lloyd's patch for fixing the UTF-8 check.
 - There seem to be a few small bugs.

Anyway, I'd appreciate some suggestions. The package is viewable here:

Some of the sketchier things:
 - I've set Xapian to the default by wrapping all of Sup's binaries with the
   SUP_INDEX variable in a script.
 - q no longer works properly. It prompts you with the regular yes/no option
   as to whether you really want to quit. Neither y nor n seem to have any
   effect; it is still possible to quit with Q.
 - Will that patch get applied? It seems reasonable on a surface level.

Anyway, as some of you can probably tell, I don't have Sup set up at the
moment. I'm working on it. Regardless, managing mail is a nightmare just now!
Once I do manage to get it set up, I'll continue testing. I'm not sure,
but I'm getting the impression that rather little testing has been done
with the new Ruby as it's not quite mainstream yet.

-Andrei "Garoth" Thorp
sup-talk mailing list

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