

There are an awful lot of limitations to OpenBSD, [...]

How funny it is that this summary and the WWW page echo the sentiments in packages' source files comments and commit messages :D

We didn't collaborate. (-: I don't actually know what M. Bercot has said on the matter. It's not unexpected that two projects sharing several design principles will hit the same problems with OpenBSD, though.

The more interesting things to consider are other operating systems.

For starters: Ubuntu on Windows NT would possibly be a less problematic port than OpenBSD. Whilst it, too, has obstacles with pseudo-terminals, framebuffers, and the system manager; what it doesn't have, that OpenBSD has, is the difficulty with the package management. Ubuntu on Windows NT has APT like Debian, of course. I've said before, elsewhere, that one could probably successfully get nosh service management, UCSPI support, and log management working on Ubuntu on Windows NT; although obtaining an actual daemon context is still problematic. (

Moreover: UbuntuBSD and Debian FreeBSD shouldn't have the obstacles with the pseudo-terminals, framebuffers, and the system manager; these, after all, being things that the FreeBSD operating system kernel provides in largely suitable form. (

Incidentally: I wrote a while ago that UbuntuBSD probably wouldn't use Mewburn rc. It doesn't. UbuntuBSD 16.04, released this month, uses BusyBox init and (the Debian port of) OpenRC rc.

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