Oh, yes, sorry, you even wrote a message (about a listen(1) command)
not too long ago :)

I will be happy to send a 0/n introductory message (git send-email
--compose) for any future proposed series, i was not aware that was the
custom here.  Indeed, i wrote this series because i could find no clear
instructions for how to propose improvements to runit's codebase.

 I'm not sure. This is more of a discussion/questions list than a
patch-sending list; as far as I'm concerned I don't like to receive
patches without some discussion before or at least a little context, but
for runit you'd have to check with the new runit maintainer, if there's
one - Gerrit, before you leave, please designate one, and if the answer
is "it's maintained by Debian/whateverdistro these days", then we'll know
the right place to send patches is the Debian/whateverdistro ML (but the
actual maintainers should still subscribe to our list and read it).

Alternately, if there's a better way to propose changes than sending
mail to this list, i'd be happy to rewrite code.html to document it, but
i don't know what it is.

 I'm sorry I don't have a clearer answer. Until we know more precisely how
the future of runit is organized, it's kinda in a limbo state.

 (Shameless plug: in the meantime, you could take a look at runit's
cousin, s6. ;))


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