The nosh package is now up to version 1.30 .


service bundles

As usual, there are more service bundles, including for the UWSGI "Emperor" and the new services in FreeBSD/TrueOS 11 such as ypldap. There are now services to run Sendmail in the same manner as the services that run exim. Note that this is slightly different to the old FreeBSD division of labour. There are individually controllable services for SMTP Submission, SMTP Relay, the Submission queue runner, and the Relay queue runner.


The Guide has been extended with several new chapters, including a gazetteer of interesting directories, a chapter on log file post-processing, a chapter on logging security, a chapter on per-user service management, and some notes for individual services. The commands list has moved from the blurb into the Guide, too, as it seems like something that an administrator might find handy to have available when there's no Internet connection.


service management

There's now a hardlimit chain-loading command, analogous to softlimit. The convert-systemd-services utility now makes use of this and permits setting separate hard and soft limits, or only one or the other, with settings like LimitOFILE=32:128 and LimitNPROC=:infinity .

There's now a local-reaper chain-loading command, that can turn "local reaper" status for the current process on or off. Have a care when using this, per the note on the manual page. There is a LocalReaper=true extension to systemd service units for this.

netlink-datagram-socket-listen is now available on the BSDs for script compatibility. It always aborts with an address family error.

There's a new hangup subcommand of system-control, equivalent to the existing -H option to svc .

enhancements to system-control stop/start/reset and single-shot services

This is the first big item for 1.30 :

The start and stop subcommands of system-control now operate more quickly. Instead of polling once per second, they monitor the supervise/status files of each service that is in the process of being started and stopped, with kevent().

In addition, system-control now supports the notion of services that become ready when their main process has exited, marked with a new flag file in the service directory. convert-systemd-units has been modified to convert "oneshot" services to this, instead of to services that put all of the run code into the start program. Thus "oneshot" services that are running their actual main programs are reported as "running" by svstat, rather than as "starting".

This takes advantage of the extended status information that service-manager has been writing to the status file since version 1.28. The sharp-eyed may have noticed that in version 1.28 the output of "svstat"/"system-control status" gained information about the exit statuses of the start, run, restart, and stop programs. This is what system-control now uses to detect whether ready-after-run services ran before they stopped. (Detection of ready-after-run services that are running with no processes, because they are "remain" services, can be and is done with just the daemontools-encore-compatible status information.)

Old-style "oneshot"s will continue to work as before, as of course they become ready as soon as the run process is spawned, which is after they have run their programs as part of start.

The benefit of this new style, apart from reporting a running service as actually "running", which should help with nagios monitoring and the like, is that "oneshot" services converted from systemd no longer have to be marked as RemainAfterExit=true in order to avoid a dummy "pause" process hanging around. This is the case for old-style "oneshot" services. They have to run something in run, after all, and that something has to keep running in order for the service to be considered ready and services ordered after it to be unblocked. A ready-after-run service, however, unblocks ordered-after services if it has reached the stopped state via a run, thus puts its programs in run, thus doesn't have to have a dummy pause process, and can be RemainAfterExit=false without adding to the process list.

log file management

export-to-rsyslog had a bug that caused it to skip old log files (the @nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.s ones) in catch-up mode. This has been corrected. There is now a follow-log-directories command that can substitute for tail -F . It knows the actual structure of log directories, operates using one or more cursors like export-to-rsyslog does, and copes correctly with cyclog/multilog log rotation (which GNU tail, at least, apparently has problems with when the timing is particularly wrong on a loaded system).

See also


More warnings are now turned on with clang++ during the build, and a lot of the resultant warnings have been eliminated where appropriate. The check for eg++ in preference to g++ is now limited to OpenBSD, where (at least on OpenBSD 5.9) eg++ is still ahead of g++ by a wide margin.

Per-user service management

Changes in per-user service management are the second big item for 1.30 :

The per-user service manager instances are now invoked via userenv, so all per-user services that you run under nosh service management, D-BUS servers or otherwise, will have your own HOME, SHELL, and USER set. Several per-user daemon softwares were expecting HOME to be set.

To match what the Desktop Bus people are doing, the dbus socket path for the per-user D-BUS broker has changed from "/run/user/$USER/dbus/user_bus_socket" to "/run/user/$USER/bus". In theory, this is addressable (in D-BUS speak) as "unix:runtime=yes". In practice, there is no version of D-BUS available on stable/release FreeBSD, TrueOS, or Debian that understands this address syntax. So one still has to use "unix:path=/run/user/$USER/bus".

The Desktop Bus people and the desktop environments people are also switching from per-login D-BUS brokers to per-user D-BUS brokers. The nosh toolset has already had this for over a year, since the middle of 2015. Each real-person user account has an optional per-user service management service (e.g. user-services@fred). What is new is that per-user service bundle areas are now populated with a whole load of service bundles for real services, many relating to GUI desktop environments, and the per-user D-BUS broker has moved to there, from being a system-level service bundle.

The configuration import subsystem creates these new per-user service bundles in the home directories of individual real users, under ~fred/.config/service-bundles/services/ and ~fred/.config/service-bundles/targets/ (for user fred). These run per-user services for a whole load of things, from GNOME editor and emacs through dconf and KDE Notify to urxvtd and GNOME Terminal.

The configuration import subsystem also sets up a bypass for D-BUS's broken "bus activation" mechanism, so that instead of attempting to run these D-BUS servers directly, the D-BUS broker instead tells the nosh per-user service manager to run them. This takes the form of a replacement dbus-daemon-launch-helper, and the per-user D-BUS brokers now employ a modified configuration file that invokes it.

There's a full explanation of how this all works in the new chapter on demand-starting user-level Desktop Bus services in the nosh Guide.

* For emacs as a per-user service, you must have a very recent emacs with its very-late-to-the-party --new-daemon option. * GNOME Weather and its interaction with GeoClue2 are only partly tested, because the versions of them available for the test platforms were attempting to contact a weather service that the U.S. Government discontinued in June 2016; and this was hardwired into their code.

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