On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 3:49 AM, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
<j.deboynepollard-newsgro...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Mitar:
>> I would like to ask if runsvdir could by default be defined as a subreaper
>> on Linux.
> You are talking to people well versed in the idea of chain-loading programs
> for affecting process state.  The answer here is to simply run runsvdir
> through a chain-loading program that sets the process as a subreaper.

Simple, but you do point out in local-reaper's docs, "One cannot just
apply this willy-nilly." :P

> You could write your own, or use the one that I wrote, packaged up, and
> published.  I called it "local-reaper".
> * http://jdebp.eu./Softwares/nosh/guide/local-reaper.html

Very nice.

However, I think runsv is a better place to apply this than runsvdir.
(And how should we apply chain-loading local-reaper to runsv?)  For
the use case of process-tree-as-admin-tool, knowing which service
spawned those processes is much more useful than guessing from among

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