
I'm also a virgin to process/service management software, learning s6-rc, s6, execlineb is not for the faint-hearted nor the time-poor. Getting a handle on the concepts, and the naming conventions - its really hard work.

Execline enforces a discipline, a rigor demanding anticipatory planning (to get right). I ran some performance tests and execlineb is marginally better. So why persist? Largely because an execline script is immediately obvious and explicit. Seriously, at a glance you know what the script will achieve. Could I write a sh script to do the same task? Yes, and probably do it a lot quicker. But. I would loose the elegance and readability - where sh has an equivalence with assembler, execline is akin to BASIC, it makes you think differently :)

I'm developing solutions for PROTECTED level security (its an Australian Govt thing), and skarnet's service management provides assurance, and s6-log provides near-certainty of logging completeness. I'm very happy with the toolset, worth the time investment.

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