On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 23:20:03 +0000
"Laurent Bercot" <ska-supervis...@skarnet.org> wrote:

> >That being said, is having your stuff on the executable path such an
> >advantage?  
> I don't know, why does Unix like to have its binaries in /bin? Why
> does PATH exist? What is the nature of an executable? You have two
> hours.
> >December 2019 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century  
>   Ah, so that's your secret. Rapid learning and rapid forgetting.

You can sling all the insults you want, but the fact is, putting all
your stuff for a single software group into one tree, outside of the
path, and accessing it with a prepath script that perhaps does a cd and
sets other environment variables that you'll need makes a tidy little
package, with no name conflicts. You can "uninstall" it with a simple
tree delete.

Depending on dependencies and architecture and the way your software's
written, you might be able to copy it to another computer with cp -Rp
or rsync -va. It's very easy to examine.

The UNIX way, with /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin and the rest, is just
fine with me, as long as the distro cooperates. But if the distro fails
to carry out the intent of  your software, there are worse things than
putting it all in one directory or tree, prepathing their location, and
running it that way.


Steve Litt 
December 2019 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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