18.02.2020, 10:39, "Laurent Bercot" <ska-supervis...@skarnet.org>:
> An additional reason is that signaling init is not a casual operation;
> instead it's part of a very limited API between the kernel and user
> space, to be used in very controlled, exhaustively listed, situations.


> Now, *as a separate conversation*, you can say that s6-svscan should
> be able to handle every signal that the kernel can throw at it, no
> matter how unportable. And it is a reasonable request: there are good
> arguments for it.


> In the latter case, the kernel takes precedence over init, the kernel
> decides what the API is and init must adapt. If the kernel says "when
> I get a power failure, I send you SIGPWR", init cannot say "uh, no,
> I wish you'd send SIGUSR2 instead". Shut up and handle SIGPWR.


> In the former case, lxd *emulates* a kernel, and is supposed to adapt
> to every kind of init that runs in a container, so it should follow
> existing conventions and be able to adapt to every init. And that's
> exactly why the lxc.signal.stop configuration switch exists!

really ? a process #1 in a namespace is not the "real" process #1,
hence there is no requirement to use a "real" init program here.
instead it is required to react to all signals lxd may sent if said process
#1 was spawned by it. of course things would be easier for everybody
if lxd could follow exsiting conventions on the linux platform, i cannot
see why it does not use TERM, USR1/2 and so on instead to notify
the process #1 it started. but it has no obligation to do so.

i guess the only case with a special meaning for SIGPWR is when the
real kernel notifies the real process #1 of a power shortage.
hence lxd is free to abuse this signal for its own purposes.
but this default choice looks indeed quite strange.

> systemd, always being a special snowflake, uses SIGRTMIN+3
> and SIGRTMIN+4, because any other choice made way too much sense.

why should it not use the RT sigs for this ? this is absolutely ok as linux
provides them anyway (unlike OpenBSD).

> None of them uses SIGPWR, and for a good reason: SIGPWR does not mean
> "the admin requested a system shutdown", it means "power failure". And
> it is very possible that the action implemented by the system in case
> of a power failure is very different from a shutdown: it could be a
> suspend-to-disk, for instance (which is faster than a full shutdown, and
> when the power fails you want to save your data *fast*). So, even for
> inits that actually understand SIGPWR - and most of them actually do -
> SIGPWR is a *terrible* default choice of signal to send as a shutdown
> request. It already has a use, and the use is not a normal shutdown.

right, agreed.

> Arguably, lxc.signal.halt should *always* be set to something else, be
> it SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, or even lolSIGRTMIN+3.

would have been a more obvious choice indeed, but they decided against
and this is also ok since this is not the kernel.

> So, if you're asking me to implement SIGPWR support in s6 because that's
> what lxd sends by default to signal a container shutdown, I will laugh
> at you, because you are being, uh, "ridicolous".

not really, catch it and let the user handle it, that way s6-svscan could be 
as process #1 in an LXC process namespace without problems.

> On the other hand, if
> you're telling me that s6-svscan needs to understand SIGPWR in case the
> kernel wants to signal a power failure, you actually have a good point,
> and yes, I should implement SIGPWR support when this signal exists.

right, it should be caught anyway and the user should decide via a hook
executable what to do about it (see if power returns after a while, sync and
suspend to disk if not naturally come to mind here).

s6 should also catch SIGWINCH (keyboard request) and let the user handle
it via a hook executable if the signal exists btw. dunno if it already does so.

you are absolutely right that one should not abuse SIGPWR to signal poweroff
to the "real" process #1 started by the kernel, there exist enough other signals
for that purpose.

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