I'm building s6 from source on latest git tags and it seems to fail because
it cannot link execline:

./configure --disable-execline; make # works

./configure; make # fails with message
exec gcc -o s6-ftrig-listen -pipe -Wall -std=c99 -fno-exceptions
-fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -Wa,--noexecstack
-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
-fno-stack-protector  -Wl,--sort-section=alignment -Wl,--sort-common
-Wl,--gc-sections src/pipe-tools/s6-ftrig-listen.o libs6.a.xyzzy -lexecline
/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/ld: cannot find -lexecline
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:138: s6-ftrig-listen] Error 1

Execline is installed and available.

$ ls /usr/lib/execline/

Any clues about how to solve this?

 ./configure --with-lib=/usr/lib/execline

 Alternatively, build execline with --libdir=/usr/lib so the
static libraries can be found in the default linker path.

 Yeah, it's annoying. It's the result of an initial design decision that
was theoretically logical but that has brought nothing but headaches
since. I don't want to change the default libdir, but I will probably
have to do it at some point because a lot of users are bumping on this.


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