Thanks Laurent, that's really interesting.  By comparison, my FBSD
system uses:

# ps -axw -o pid,vsz,rss,time,comm | grep s6
       virt KB  resident cpu total
38724   10904   1600     0:00.02 s6-log
41848   10788   1552     0:00.03 s6-log
42138   10848   1576     0:00.01 s6-log
42222   10888   1596     0:00.02 s6-log
45878   10784   1516     0:00.00 s6-svscan
54453   10792   1544     0:00.00 s6-supervise
... lots ...
67937   10792   1540     0:00.00 s6-supervise
76442   10724   1484     0:00.01 s6-ipcserverd
76455   11364   1600     0:00.01 s6-fdholderd
84229   10896    712     0:00.01 s6-log

Processes pull-in both ld-elf and, from procstat -v
start           end             path
0x1021000       0x122a000       /usr/local/bin/s6-supervise
0x801229000     0x80124f000     /libexec/
0x801272000     0x80144c000     /lib/

Yes - libc is ... large.

Arjun, if you want to reduce the number of s6-log processes perhaps
consider piping them to a file which s6-log reads from.  For example we
maintain various web servers, the accesses are unique and of interest to
customers, but they don't (really) care about the errors so we aggregate
this with one s6-log. Works very well  :)

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