I find it symptomatic of the fact that a guy wrote some Rube Goldberg code and a
corporation decided it would be a great idea to spend millions getting the Rube
Goldberg code into many major distros. As far as us running our of road with the
Unix API, systemd solves no problem and offers no improvement that couldn't have
been solved or improved in a dozen different ways, almost all of which would 
been more modular and less prone to vendor lock in.

 We know all of this.
 Please keep these posts out of the supervision ML. It's not that we
don't like systemd-bashing, it's that it takes a lot of space and makes
a lot of noise, and I'd like the supervision ML to be laser-focused on
solving technical issues with supervision systems, not be yet another
place where we complain about systemd day in day out. Thanks.


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