The problem you're describing sounds more like a combination of browser
bugs, more than anything.  I have seen instances of both Firefox and IE
both caching Content-Types of web pages on occasion.  Thankfully Firefox
behaves significantly better, and has the "View Page Info" option, which
will tell you what encoding all of the data is being rendered as.


suPHP does not understand php_admin_flag.  If your Apache server starts
and doesn't complain about php_admin_flag being an unknown command, you
have mod_php[45].so loaded somewhere in your Apache config.

Thirdly, regarding locales:

If you want web pages displayed in certain character sets, you should be
specifying that character set in the HTML output using the Content-Type
equiv, e.g.:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

This doesn't have anything with iconv or mbstring.  Those are for string
manipulation functions and collation (conversion between one charset and

Bottom line: if you want to use utf-8 (good for you!  I salute you), you
need to use it from the very start.  If any data that PHP script has
stored in the past *was not* using utf-8, then you're going to have
collated data, and it's a real pain to deal with.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                jdc at |
| Parodius Networking              |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:39:18AM +0200, oxy wrote:
> hi!
> I am new in using suphp and need some help.
> System is  FreeBSD 7.0+apache 2.2.9+php 5.2.6+suphp 0.6.3
> I have a couple hundred vhosts (hungarian language) and my problem is 
> the following:
> I use php_admin_flag on some vhost in order to see hungarian accent:
> php_admin_flag iconv.input_encoding UTF-8
> php_admin_flag iconv.internal_encoding UTF-8
> php_admin_flag iconv.output_encoding UTF-8
> php_admin_flag mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8
> When I enable suphp these web pages' accent are wrong with firefox,
> however it is OK with IE.. after disabling suphp the accent is good with
> both browsers..
> Don't really know that the problem is that apache do not use my 
> php_admin_flags or
> something else..
> (php5 module is loaded in apache in order to use these php_admin_flags)
> thanks for your help in advance!
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