I'm attempting to use Apache 2.2.9 with mod_fcgid 2.2 and SuPHP 0.6.3

If I configure Apache to only use SuPHP, PHP pages work.  However scripts
are slower than mod_php in Apache.

If I configure Apache to only use mod_fcgid, PHP pages work.  However I'm
right back to my mod_php (lack of) security.

What I've tried to do is to setup SuPHP to call mod_fcgid so PHP scripts
don't have to wait for PHP to start every time.  I've had no luck in
getting this combination to work (SuPHP using mod_fcgid to start PHP

I can get SuEXEC to call mod_fcgid to start PHP scripts, but my web site
uses mod_userdir (~username URLs.)  SuEXEC is too restrictive.



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