Hi, Oleg,

I just found this mail on the server and it was treated as a trash mail by the server so I haven't seen it before in my Foxmail's folders.

Thank you for your kindly help!

Best Regards
Jason Chen


----- Original Message -----
From:"Oleg" <support-list@support.elphel.com>
To: "elphelsupport-list" <support-list@support.elphel.com>,  "JasonChen" <jianzhong_c...@agiltron.com.cn>
Sent:Wed Aug 31 09:09:29 UTC+0800 2011
Subject: Reflash a camera with pre-installed elphel software
Dear Jason,

Here are the current instructions for reflashing:

1. First check:

  1.1 There's an /nfs (absolute path) folder. Its structure is
/nfs/latest80/ - a link that points to /nfs/images/<software_version>/
  1.2 Locate where the CVS project is checked out, should be - /home/elphel/Elphel_projects/elphel353-<software_version>/elphel353/

note: the instructions for reflashing can also be found in README.flash.

  1.3 Find out the PC interface name the camera connected to. (type "ifconfig in a terminal window"): the result should be either "eth0" or "eth1". Also remember the PC ip address.

  1.4 It's better to connect the camera directly to the PC. If between the cam and the PC there's a router/switch - it is possible that the special packets will be blocked. In that case the reflashing script will not run further when the camera is set to the netboot mode (see 2.4).
2. Reflash:

  2.1 Open a terminal(konsole) window, go to the project directory, type:

cd /home/elphel/Elphel_projects/elphel353-<software_version>/elphel353/
 2.2 Get to super-user, type:

sudo su

 2.3 Then init a couple of environment variables, type:

. ./init_env

2.3 Launch reflashing :

./netboot -d eth1 -nfs -cmd update - example PC ip-address
eth1 - PC's interface name to which the camera is connected to.

It should print:
Using internal boot loader: INTERNAL_NW - Network boot (default).
Using internal boot loader: INTERNAL2 - Level2 boot.
Starting boot...

2.4 Disconnect/Connect the cable from/to the camera several times (3-5 times with 1-2s intervals should work) - this will bring the camera to a netboot mode - the 2 LEDs will start blinking fast. Meanwhile the flashing script will run further and exit. Wait for 2-3 minutes till the camera reflashing is done, then reboot the cam.

note: the network connection in the knetwork-manager should be marked as "connect automatically". Otherwise the PC loses it's ip address on disconnect. If it loses its ip - get to the netboot mode 1st, then restore the PC address.

PS. We're going to have a more automated reflashing method within a week probably when we release a new version of live usb.
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