NoOp wrote:
On 12/15/2008 02:58 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 12/13/2008 08:34 PM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:

Of note to everyone here is that Mozilla (SeaMonkey, Firefox etc.)
report EVERY security bug once fixed and what it was. Some companies
like IE, Apple, and possibly even Google (for chrome -- no data), if a
security bug is only ever found and reported internally, they won't make
it even known that it _ever_ existed. Where we do and fix it anyway. It
is a very open community, therefore the potential for others to
accurately gauge what bugs are fixed on our side is high, whereas on
Microsoft or Apple's side is relatively low.


Along these lines, this might be of interest to try with SeaMonkey...
[Google Chrome Receives Lowest Password Security Score]
[Password Manager Evaluator v2.0]

If I get some time later I'll try it with SM 1.1.14 and 2.0a3pre to see
what the results are.

Test Performed  Result
Action Authority Checked on Retrieval   FAILED
Action Authority Checked on Save        FAILED
Action Authority Raises Warnings        FAILED
Action Path Checked on Retrieval        FAILED
Action Path Checked on Save     FAILED
Action Scheme Checked on Retrieval      FAILED
Action Scheme Checked on Save   FAILED
Action Scheme Raises Warnings   FAILED
Action Scheme Prevented if Unsafe       FAILED
Autocomplete=Off Prevents Form Fills    FAILED
Invisiblility Prevents Form Fills       PASSED
Method Checked on Retrieval     FAILED
Method Raises Warnings  FAILED
Multiple Paths Per User Per Authority   FAILED
Multiple Ports Per User Per Host        FAILED
Multi. Schemes Per User Per Authority   FAILED
Page Path Checked on Retrieval  FAILED
Random Name Attr. Prevents Form Fills   PASSED
User Required for PW Retrieval  FAILED
User Required for PW Save       FAILED
Valid URIs Don't Break Anything         PASSED

I reckon I'll run the test again to make sure that I did everything
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20081215 Lightning/1.0pre SeaMonkey/2.0a3pre ID:20081215000501
Action Authority Checked on Retrieval    FAILED
Action Authority Checked on Save     FAILED
Action Authority Raises Warnings     FAILED
Action Path Checked on Retrieval     FAILED
Action Path Checked on Save     FAILED
Action Scheme Checked on Retrieval     FAILED
Action Scheme Checked on Save     FAILED
Action Scheme Raises Warnings     FAILED
Action Scheme Prevented if Unsafe     PASSED
Autocomplete=Off Prevents Form Fills     FAILED
Invisiblility Prevents Form Fills     PASSED
Method Checked on Retrieval     FAILED
Method Raises Warnings     FAILED
Multiple Paths Per User Per Authority    FAILED
Multiple Ports Per User Per Host     FAILED
Multi. Schemes Per User Per Authority    FAILED
Page Path Checked on Retrieval     FAILED
Random Name Attr. Prevents Form Fills    PASSED
User Required for PW Retrieval     FAILED
User Required for PW Save     FAILED
Valid URIs Don't Break Anything     PASSED

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