Mark Hansen wrote:
On 01/21/09 07:17, HeavyDuty wrote:
Tom Coradeschi wrote:
COMCAST does not allow outgoing SMTP traffic on port 25.

If your SMTP host is set up to accept connections on port 587, they will allow that. Set your SMTP host configuration to be the same is it is when you are on your normal network (same hostname, login if required, etc).

If your SMTP host is NOT set up to accept connections on 587, you will need to use COMCAST's SMTP connection ( and authenticate yourself to that server either with your friend's credentials or, if you can have him/her do so for you, with a secondary account they have set up on your behalf.
Thanks for that information. How did you come to learn this valuable piece of information? I will certainly pass this on to McLeod. What you say seems to confirm what Mark Hansen said about the 421 error indicating that it was the McLeod server sending the error.

Actually, it does just the opposite. If Comcast is blocking outgoing port
25, then you would never be able to connect to the Mcleod server on that
port - because Comcast would have been blocking it.

Since you were able to talk to Mcleod's SMTP server on port 25, that
implies Comcast is *not* blocking it.

I wonder if Comcast was somehow redirecting your connection from Mcleod
port 25 to Comcast's own SMTP server on port 25. You can test this by
using telnet. From the "run" dialog, type the following:

  telnet 25

then report back the information that is presented in the window.

To close that window, just type the word 'quit' and hit return.


telnet 25
Command/DOS screen opens but is blank on run command, except for flashing cursor.
In due time (maybe 45 seconds the following error message:
421 Cannot connect to SMTP server, connect error 10060. Connection lost to host. Then the CMD/DOS screen reverts to a commandline cursor with previous info retained on screen. QUIT is required to go back to the Windows desktop.

telnet 587
Screen does not go blank, rather it reports: Connecting to .....

Then (in due time) the following additional message:
Could not open connection to the host on port 587. Connect failed. Then the CMD/DOS screen immediately reverts to the Windows desktop.

With what I //think// I've learned during this extensive discourse in this newsgroup, may I conclude that Comcast will not pass a request for access on port 25 (blocks port 25), and McLeodusa,net is not using (blocks) port 587?
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