Daniel wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
SM 1.1.14 on Win98se.
I wanted to cross post an article to
mozilla.support.seamonkey  and bellsouth.net.support.news-service.
The news server  newsgroups.bellsouth.net carries both groups
and I am subscribed to the mozilla.support.seamonkey newsgroup
on both servers.
However connected to the server newsgroups.bellsouth.net,
when I tried to cross post my article, I received the error
message that I can not post an article to two servers!
I had to post the article separately to each group!

What's going on? Why was SM checking the mozilla server
subscription list?

Rostyslaw, when this news server was set up, it's groups were to be copied to Google-groups for archiving purposes, but they were never meant to make it to the Usenet servers, but somehow they did.

I did find several of the Mozilla groups on my Usenet server, Teranews, and there were posts being made to the groups, even posts about Thunderbird Bug Days.

I think I eventually reported these bogus groups to the real server groups, and, eventually, the bogus groups disappeared from my Usenet server!!

Maybe you need to do the same!!


Well maybe that explains another slightly different aspect. :-(
So you say that these newsgroups should not be propagating to the net! ???

Mozilla.support.seamonkey was added to server newsgroups.bellsouth.net
on 9/23/08 and receiving messages from wherever until 1/20/09.
No newer messages until my message
Message-ID: <498e7199.7060...@bellsouth.net>
From: "Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj" <urj...@bellsouth.net>
Reply-To: urj...@bellsouth.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv: Gecko/20081204 SeaMonkey/1.1.14
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: mozilla.support.seamonkey
Subject: Displaying UUencoded .jpg in news articles
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2009 00:46:01 -0500

Which shows up on the local server, BUT NOT in news.mozilla.org!
I do wonder, how many of the articles in the group, between 9/23/08
and 1/20/09 on the local server, suffered a similar fate.
 i.e. severely restricted distribution.

I don't understand your definition of _bogus_.
And I will of course resend the missing article to this server.

On Friday evening I wrote to our news administrators complaining
about the sudden stop in articles to mozilla.support.seamonkey
on 1/20/09 on the local server.
Now I'll have to write them that they need to delete, expunge,
the newsgroup on the local server and block accepting any attempts
to post to the newsgroup? OR What is the proper solution?

This, of course, does not solve the more general cross posting
problems . It only hints at how deep the pile is. :-\

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