Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
terje wrote:
........... Big snip. ..................
and introducing an OFF TOPIC thread drift question

Basically, do not use Inbox as a long term repository for stored email.
If you need to keep email, store it in archive folders.


I would have to disagree with you on that Lee. That might have been a problem in the old Netscape days, but its not now. I've had stuff in my inbox for years, and never had a problem. Then again, my inbox isn't over 2 gigs big either. But I do have other folders that are about that big and still don't have problems.

To: Terje and Peter
Are there any reasons why you are maintaining such a large Inbox,
with such a large collection of, what must be, an arbitrary mixture
of messages, rather than as Lee and common sense logic would advise,
classifying the messages by some criterion and moving them into
separate folders.
A simple criterion might be by date! : Old-inbox-1998, Old-inbox-1999,
... etc.

what Lee has pointed out is old stuff. Inboxes has come a long way since then. Having messages in your inbox does not cause any harm. The only thing one must keep an eye on is compacting and size limit. Otherwise, there is no other harm.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

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