Rick Merrill wrote:
John Reinders wrote:

I have attached a link to a .jpg showing an Avg error message that my Dad is periodically getting. Sometimes every morning after he turns on his computer and opens Seamonkey, sometimes every other day - not consistent.

I have run multiple scans of his system using Avg, also Malware programs including MVT and the the one from Microsoft, and AdAware and have found nothing. His system seems to be running fine...

Here is the link...


Any thoughts? He is running an older version of Seamomkey.. 1.1.7 or 1.1.8, can't remember for sure. I will be upgrading him this weekend to the most current version.

Thanks, John

First, make sure all AV and Windows updates are installed.

It is highly possible that the "virusthreat" is actually THE VIRUS
that is attempting to get you to click on it!!!  Do not click on
the "close" - I have never seen such a message from AVG, which I
use and like.

Also, be sure to PURGE THE CACHE of SeaMonkey.

Hi Rick,

Yes I purged his cache and his windows updates are up-to-date...

I haven't heard from Dad today so I don't know if it showed up again or not...

Quick question? Does Avg have a forum? Maybe I should post there too..

Thanks, John
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