Terry R. wrote:
The date and time was Friday, April 17, 2009 9:26:04 AM, and on a whim, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo pounded out on the keyboard:

Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Doug Boufford wrote:
Using SM 1.1.16
I note in my profile that there are multiple bookmark.html files bookmark.html.....bookmark-375.html and cookie files. Can the surplus ones be deleted, leaving only the bookmark.html file??
it seems you've got that horrible multiple glitch there. I can't remember what bug number that is. Sorry.

But, for the cookies and bookmarks, yes, go ahead and "remove" them. If after a day or two, nothing happens, then yes go ahead and delete them.

oh yeah, make sure that your main bookmark and cookie files aren't marked as "read only"

I would also add to check the dates on the files. Your original bookmark.html file may be quite a bit older than one of the others.

Terry R.
Thanks to all.
The "working" bookmark file was NOT read-only & is current (restored from a backup).
STRANGE behavior!
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