John Doue wrote:
Karl Anderson wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
John Doue wrote:

The best version is the one you have been using for a while to your satisfaction.

Not if that version has publicly known exploits that have been patched in the next version.

The wise man does not rush.

Unfortunately, this isn't really true for security updates, and often is followed to the point of exaggeration. See: Conficker infections.

Unfortunately, most of these answers don't address my underlying question. Are the newer versions of Seamonkey backwards compatable with my older version of Windows (Win2kpro)running on outdated hardware? Also, do they hog resources the way that newer versions of windows do? In other words, my old PIII-900 with 256 megs of RAM runs Win2K pretty well, but I suspect it would bog down under XP, which is one reason I've not upgraded. But at this point it is also tying me back to legacy versions of some software and I'm wondering if Mozilla/Seamonkey falls into that category.
Ok, let us give it a try.

First, running XP on 256megs of ram is going to be kind of sluggish, unless you are very careful to minimize the startup programs. Also make sure you have ample space on the hard drive for a large page file. One possibility is using XP Lite; I have no personal experience of it but I have heard very positive comments.>

I've used 98lite for many years, without problems...even think I sent them a few bucks by way of saying thanks.


I see no reason why Seamonkey would not work correctly on this machine with XP. Just don't expect it to be very fast, but it will work. Sure.

One last thing: resist the temptation to simply "upgrade" from 2k to XP. A clean install is way preferable.

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