On 02.07.2009 11:00, dominique wrote:
> Hello all,
> Prior to file a bug, I'd like to check if anybody has seen the following 
> behavior (SM2 nightly, IMAP account):
> - In the message pane
> - Select view --> last 5 days
> - delete messages (either a simple delete, pushing to Trash, or a 
> shift+Del (deleting completely)
> - Come back to view --> all

Tested with IMAP-Account on UW-Imap-Server. The deleted messages are
successfully moved to the Accounts Trash-Folder like expected.
> Messages are not deleted....
> - Is it a desired functionality (that would be strange..)?
> - Is it only me ??
> Please advise if you can reproduce...
> I have not yet tested this on a test profile, on some other accounts, 
> etc... but I have not found anything related in bugzilla so far.
> If anybody knows of a bug already filed, even better :)

I have not seen an filed Bugreport for this, and I was not able to
reproduce this follow your steps to reproduce.

Some Questions: Wich IMAP-Server you are using?
What are your settings for Synchronisatzion & Storage?
Is your connection to the IMAP-Server really stable?

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