Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
John wrote:

I've been using SeaMonkey, and before that the Mozilla Suite and
Netscape for email for over 10 years. I have my "inbox" contents sorted
into numerous sub-folders. I keep most non-spam emails indefinitely for
future reference. I estimate that I currently have over 30,000 messages
in these folders. There are over 10,000 messages in my "sent" folder.

Is there any specific limit to the number of messages I can save in this manner? Is there any way of moving older messages to a different location so they don't have to be loaded every time I start the program and still have the ability to easily search and read them when necessary?

What I want to avoid is a sudden crash caused by too many messages which would cause me to lose everything. (I do backup these folders on a regular basis). Thanks!

I found that Mozilla got cranky when the Inbox itself had a lot of messages in it, so I've gotten in the habit of keeping it pretty small (say a coupla hundred messages) and saving messages elsewhere (not in subfolders of Inbox, but in folders at the same level).

I would like to establish a place on my computer where sent and received messages could be saved...a place where it would continue to be accessible for reading and/or reintroduction back on the internet. I'm not sure how to make this happen. I, an amateur at computer technical activities, would appreciate an elementary level blow by blow on how to accomplish this task.

Thanks in advance for any helpful words sent my way on this subject.


where "Received" contains old incoming messages.

You also want to periodically compact folders in Mozilla or SeaMonkey -- messages aren't actually deleted until you compact folders. Until then, they sit there marked for deletion, invisible to you but taking up computer disk space and brainpower.

As with all computer data, "if you love me, back me up." If you're keeping all that data on your computer and crossing your fingers for protection, you're begging for trouble.

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