On 10/01/2009 12:57 AM, Stéphane Grégoire wrote:
> NoOp a tapoté, le 30/09/2009 22:43:
>> On 09/30/2009 12:42 PM, Stéphane Grégoire wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> NoOp a tapoté, le 27/09/2009 00:43:
>>>> Yes. You'll need to get the latest lightning version from the
>>>> nightlies repository:
>>>> <http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/nightly/latest-comm-1.9.1/>
>>> Lightning works on Seamonkey 2.0pre but I cannot simply update it :
>>>> "Lightning" could not be installed because it is not compatible with
>>>> your SeaMonkey build type (Linux_x86_64-gcc3). Please contact the
>>>> author of this item about the problem.
>>> I know I can update it but using Seamonkey 2.0b2 but there's might be a
>>> reason of this message.
>> Did you not read?
>>> There is an add-on to get the latest nightly updates:
>>> http://ilpolipo.free.fr/addons/?sn=lnu
>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/4623
>>> This seems to work with SM 2.0b2 - (does not work with 2.0pre).
> Yes, but I have this message when using :
> <http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/nightly/latest-comm-1.9.1/linux-xpi/lightning.xpi>
> Another question, what is gdata-provider.xpi?

Probably because your web page shows:
You use SeaMonkey 2.0pre / Linux.
Navigateurs conseillés : tous les navigateurs de la famille Mozilla :
SeaMonkey , Firefox ... Zine: all family browsers Mozilla: SeaMonkey,
Firefox ... et Konqueror and Konqueror
Navigateurs supportés : Dillo , Opera et Internet Explorer 7 et 8
Supported browsers: Dillo, Opera and Internet Explorer 7 and 8
Navigateurs partiellements supportés : w3m , links , Internet Explorer 6
et Safari (testé sous wine ) Partly supported browsers: w3m, links,
Internet Explorer 6 and Safari (tested under wine)

 That's a joke :-)

I think I now what your were saying & understand that you are getting:

> "Lightning" could not be installed because it is not compatible with
> your SeaMonkey build type (Linux_x86_64-gcc3). Please contact the
> author of this item about the problem.

I use a 32bit system so I cannot help you there. You will need to
contact the author(s) to report the 64bit issue. You might try asking on
mozilla.devs.apps.calendar & let them know that you are using

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