D. K. Kraft wrote:

From a security standpoint, and IMO, cookie management in SM 2.0RC1
has been markedly downgraded from the level available in 1.1.18.  In
the latter, a user is able to set options for both first- and
third-party cookies, as well as specifics regarding website privacy
policies for both types of cookies. SM 2.0RC1 completely removes the
the ability to configure cookie management based on privacy options,
leaving a user with only the option of allowing all cookies, which is
unacceptable for those who wish to reject third-party cookies, or
only allowing cookies from the originating website, a blanket option
 that is often too severe a restriction on some websites for which
allowing session third-party cookies of certain types is helpful and

I realize the move to the new backend for 2.0 has necessitated many alterations, but I fail to see the benefit in removing a robust
security option from the browser.  Surely this option was not limited
to the backend of 1.1.18; most of the options available in 2.0's UI
are either identical to 1.1.18 or so similar as to be nearly
identical. I'm baffled as to why this option was removed or not ported over to 2.0. From my POV, SM 2.0 will be unusable (as is Firefox, IMO and for the same reason) without the restoration of
cookie management as it stands in SM 1.1.18.

I've searched Bugzilla, but have been unable to find a specific bug regarding this UI option. If anyone can point me in the right
direction, I would appreciate it, since I would like to vote and add
my comments regarding this security setting.

TIA for any replies --

Agree wholeheartedly. The Cookie Manager is a major selling point for me, and I brag about it to my non-Mozillan friends. I can't imagine why the developers took something we've been doing right and sabotaged it.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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