Alex wrote:
I use SM 1.1.18 and yesterday I received a note that a new version is available for download. I did it and installed SM 2. Everything seems to be working fine but I could not get SM2 to work with previously saved ID's and passwords. I tried several fixes I found on the net (previous version had same problems with some bank access but it was solved by going into about:config and making some changes.. I found this fix on the net) but nothing worked. I shut down my computer and this morning I found that old SM 1.1.18 is back? I'm glad it miraculously came back as everything works like in the past.
As I did install SM2 on my two computers both today have version 1.1.18.
How it's possible that program reversed back to previous version?


If you have both versions installed, you may want to check/verify which you have selected as your Default browser in your system least, that would be my guess...

     - Rufus
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