On 10/31/2009 03:42 AM, Rod Lovett wrote:
> Hi,
>     I know you guys are very windows centric, but I am having font 
> rendering issues with seamonkey 2.0 in Debian Linux.
> It is indeed like firefox, which also has poor font rendering in Debian, 
> despite tweaking appearance.
> I know there are branding issues issues with Debian which is dumb, and 
> they do not even provide the Iceape package now, dumber still.
> Seamonkey 1.18 looks much better, and implements the system fonts well. 
> This may because it had an installer like previous versions, and picked 
> up font rendering, and up till now has been my browser of choice, a 
> great browser too.
> No more is the case, and despite lots of tweaking, seamonkey 2.0 fonts 
> are thin and less attractive, despite ostensibly using system fonts and 
> settings. The gtk engines etc are installed too, with no great 
> improvement. Perhaps I am missing some configuration that will help.
> I would appreciate any suggestions.
> Cheers
> Rod

I find the opposite.

2.0 fonts in Ubuntu 9.04 & 9.10 (gnome) are clean, clear, well spaced,
etc. However, when I switch to 1.1.18 (same machine) the fonts are
skinny, harder to read, and rather irritating. Both are set for:
Sans Serif - 16
DejaVu Serif
DejaVu Sans
Brush Script MT
Brush Script MT
monospace - 15
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