On 11/03/2009 11:47 AM, Gerry Hickman wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> This isn't a fix, but may make things a little more bearable until a fix
>> is provided:
>> about:config
>>    news.update_unread_on_expand;false
>> Of course you'll need to 'get new msgs' to refresh,
> Interesting, I've just tried this and it APPEARS to be working 
> perfectly, just like in 1.1.18
> It still gets new messages automatically when I click on a group, but 
> not when I expand a server? 


If that's correct, it's perfect.

Cool! I've done the same on my other systems and that does indeed make
nntp livable again.

> I did report this during the beta, but no one seemed interested.

I reckon we'll need to find a relevant bug report and or create a new
one. That's pretty much the only way to get it fixed in 2.0.1 & even
then it may be as simple as making the default

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