Leonidas Jones wrote:
James wrote:


Learn how to use the news.mozilla.org nntp server to read/respond on
this newsgroup instead of using a listsrerv instead. Let me know and
I'll be happy to help guide you through the process.

First of all you may have already seen my post where I stated that I had
the wrong name for the item. It's not actually "quick launch"; it's a
bar at the bottom of the page just to the right of the start button.
Sorry for the confusion. Maybe it's called "quick start" bar??? Anyway,
I place shortcuts there to all of my frequently used programs and start
those programs by clicking the short cut icon. The icon for SM 2.0
disappeared after a few days and I wondered why.

So when you sent the page I looked for something referring specifically
to my problem and did not find one [because I named it wrong]. That's
why I did not understand what part of the link was supposed to be
relevant [I already knew the "quick launch" feature was gone].

Next: How I reply. I highlight the message to which I wish to reply and
hit "reply". That copies the message into composer; however the subject
refers to the digest rather than the specific message so I copy the
subject into the subject line. Is that causing a problem?

As for your last paragraph unfortunately I don't know what you're
talking about. "Nntp server" and "listserv" don't mean anything to me.

Thanks for the assistance,

Lee sent me a post explaining much of the procedure to use another
method to reply and I'm trying that. However, right now I'm getting
pop-up boxes with messages that Seamonkey cannot copy the message to
"sent" [even before I send it] and in addition that it cannot save the
message to drafts. This happens every few seconds.

If this is a better way to reply can you tell me how to get rid of the
pop-up error messages? I also get a message that my post could not be
copied to the sent folder after I do actually send it.


Ah, this one threaded too, so we are on the right track.

I'm not sure why you are having a problem with sent and drafts. Click
Edit>>Mail& Newsgroup Account Settings.

Select your news.mozilla.org account on the left, then Copies and Folders.

It would seem that SeaMonkey is having a problem finding the folder in
which to save copies of sent messages and drafts. The default location
should be "Sent" Folder on Local Folders, and "Drafts" Folder on Local
Folders. See what these settings are on your machine. Also, make sure
that the Local Folders account shows up in the Folder Pane.

I really don't know why you should be getting a Sent warning before you
have actually sent. Maybe someone else can chime in.

As far as Drafts, check in Edit>>Preference>>Mail & Newsgroups>>Composition

There is a setting for Automatically save the message every _ minutes.
The default is 5 minutes. If it is set that way, try unchecking the box
and see if the warnings go away. Report back and we will see if we can
get it working properly.


I think/hope I have the "copy to folder" problem solved because for some reason it was set to save to "mailxxxxxxx" or something like that; which AFAIK does not exist. I don't save to "local folders" but rather to another folder there; and I changed to that. Since I have almost 4 lines typed without a pop-up "cannot save..." message it must be solved. Many thanks.

One difference I have is that I save drafts every minute because it's a real PITA to type up a complex 5 minute reply and have it evaporate because the cat stepped on the keyboard! [ggg]

Re: The problem with new topics on my old replies [or new thread, or whatever it was] can you [or anyone else] please explain to me why a new thread was created when I specifically used "reply" instead of "create new topic/thread"? My posts looked pretty much the same as everyone else's but apparently were driving a number of people bananas. If I was doing something that created the problem I'd like to know how to correct it so I don't do it in the future. Of course it appears that I can reply here without causing the problem for everyone [fingers still crossed! {ggg}] but I'd like to know the correct way to use the other format [if such exists]. And if it does not exist then why is it even provided?

I guess this really should be another thread, but with the problems I've caused with my copious thread creating I'm a bit gun shy...

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